
You can become a sub-agent in our innovative Medical Tourism Projects
in the following categories:-
- Medical tourism canvassing agent
- Medical education in India or Russia by your countrymen
- You can canvass for Indian medical colleges to study MBBS., MS.,
MD., BDS.,
- You can canvass for students' for Alternative
Medicines, Ayurveda, Siddha, Yoga and other alternative
Medical studies in India recognized by W.H.O. and The
Indian Medical Council.
- You can refer patients to us
- You can refer the students to us
- You can refer particular medicines not available in your country
- You can refer to us for Herbal Medicines, Cosmetics and good food
for Special treatment
- For certain diseases like Brain, Lung, Heart diseases, Herbal medicines
may not be available in your country. You can directly import from us
with mutual agreement on commission basis.
- For skin diseases, impotence, HIV, VD, Kidney stones, Jaundice, Gastric
ulcer, Thyroid problems, Cholesterol problems, Baldness (Hair falling),
Cancer and other such serious diseases we have medicines with us. You
can order for them on commission basis.
- You have to register with us as our sub-agent on agreement basis.
- After we enlist you as our Sub agent you have to undertake certain
formalities for Registration etc. at your country.
Click here to register as sub-agent.
- We agree to certain conditions regarding the sub-agencies' rules applicable
in your country.
- It is a profitable venture for you at your end
- You are requested to participate in the service of the humanity from
your end for your consideration.